变形金刚4主题曲 变形金刚4主题曲林肯公园

 内涵001   2023-04-26 02:25:06   0 人阅读  0 条评论



《变性金刚4》火力全开,《变形金刚4绝迹重生》主题曲是由梦龙组合演唱的 Battle Cry ,整首歌曲和影片的基调十分切合,很有史诗感和机械氛围,歌曲的开头低沉的吟唱,营造出了一种大战将至的感觉,又像是款款的诉说着一个沉重又充满希望的故事:变形金刚4主题曲、插曲片、尾曲都是同一首歌,英文版的叫做《Battle Cry》;中文版的叫做《谁control》。


1.主题曲梦龙乐队《battle cry》2.中文宣传曲韩庚《谁control》3.林肯公园-《Arrival To Earth》4.Heartbreaker - Paul Salva5.Nasty Girl - T.J. Miller6.Dat Slap - Rodnae Da Boss Feat. Fiend AKA International Jones7.First Light - Racing Glaciers8.Moonlight Reflected on the Er-Quan Spring - Lei Qiang9.U Can't Touch This - M.C. Hammer10.Daybreak - Han Geng11.All for You - Imagine Dragons


变形金刚4刚开场的歌曲是Imagine Dragons(梦龙乐队)的《all for you》

歌名:all for you(《变形金刚4》插曲)

演唱:Imagine Dragons(梦龙乐队)



I get caught in the water

I get torn in the wind

I could drown in the river

While the sun goes down

I get tossed by the ocean

Piled deep in the sand

I'm drowned out by the thunder

Lost in a laugh

Is anyone listening?

Is anyone around to see

That I'm doing it all for you

I'm doing it all for you

I'm ready to go

I'm ready to go

I'm doing it all for you

I'm doing it all for you

I'm ready to go

I'm ready to go


1.主题曲梦龙乐队《battle cry》


3.林肯公园-《Arrival To Earth》

4.Heartbreaker - Paul Salva

5.Nasty Girl - T.J. Miller

6.Dat Slap - Rodnae Da Boss Feat. Fiend AKA International Jones

7.First Light - Racing Glaciers

8.Moonlight Reflected on the Er-Quan Spring - Lei Qiang

9.U Can't Touch This - M.C. Hammer

10.Daybreak - Han Geng

11.All for You - Imagine Dragons

求变形金刚4主题曲battle cry的中文歌词

Battle Cry (战嗥)

作词:Imagine Dragons

作曲:Imagine Dragons

编曲:Imagine Dragons,Alex da Kid

演唱:Imagine Dragons

Battle Cry是由美国Imagine Dragons乐队演唱的一支单曲,2014年6月27日上映的电影《变形金刚4:绝迹重生》的主题曲。


Just one more time /最后一次

Before I go, I'll let you know /在我离开之前,我将让你知道

That all time I've been afraid /我所畏惧的这一切

Wouldn't let it show /不将显现

Nobody can save me now, no /现如今没人能够拯救我,没有

Nobody can save me now /现如今没人能够拯救我

Stars are only visible in the darkness /繁星只在黑暗中清晰可见

Fear is ever changing and evolving /恐惧不断地发展变化着

And I, I feel posioned inside /我,我感觉内心千疮百孔

And I, I feel so alive /我,我从未有这样的感觉

Nobody can save me now /没人能够拯救我

The king is crowned /王者已加冕

It's do or die /是时候决一死战了

Nobody can save me now /没人能够拯救我

The only sound /唯一的声音

It's the battle cry /是一声声呐喊

It's the battle cry /呐喊着

It's the battle cry /呐喊着

Nobody can save me now /现如今没人能够拯救我

It's do or die /决一死战

Nobody can save me now /没人能够拯救我

The king is crowned /王者已加冕

It's do or die /是时候决一死战了

Nobody can save me now /没人能够拯救我

The only sound /唯一的声音

It's the battle cry /是呐喊

It's the battle cry /呐喊着

It's the battle cry /呐喊着

Nobody can save me now /现如今没人能够拯救我

It's do or die /决一死战

Just one more time /最后一次

Before I go, I'll let you know /在我离开之前,我将让你知道

That all this time I've been afriad /这一切我所畏惧的

Wouldn't let it show /不将显现

Nobody can save me now, no /现如今没人能够拯救我,没有

Nobody can save me now /现如今没人能够拯救我


放的好像是Imagine Dragons的(主题曲)。还有个在中国的宣传曲,韩庚唱的《谁control》(这个在电影中没放)。望采纳~


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