别样的英雄人物作文 别样的英雄

 内涵001   2023-05-17 11:00:05   0 人阅读  0 条评论


1、A Special Kind of Hero Living for a very special sign Telling of a very special time Living just a chance to stay the play In a very different kind of game Just one chance to be held on high Or be ...... down Single...... Can you see the guy between right and wrong Tearful sounds and joyful song Reaching for the hands of love Hoping to be put above My friend, to be a special kind of hero My new fun game, to be a special kind of hero I need you, need you with me My hero, how you ...... Feelings I cannot explain What feeds for my pain Capturing moments in time That no world can ever replace Forever suspended in space Moments of a very special kind Immortalize an aspect of the mind Moving pass limits of those of us Guiden by the ...... flow Into places never seen before Where I can be a certain kind I want to a hero in my mind With a very special from the fun In very special moments of my life。

2、 是这首歌吗。


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